Thank you and Latest News

13th September 2023


To all those kind messages of support after my accident in Italy, thank you so much! Likewise, those patient clients who waited patiently for me to recover! The pelvic fracture turned out to be less severe than first thought and I have been back at work for a couple of weeks now, albeit popping the odd painkiller


My big news is that my brand spanking new van arrived a couple of months earlier than predicted, and my old girl has juddered her way to a scrap heap after 200,000 plus miles of daily grind

Driving the new one is like floating on a cloud ☁️, but the new tech is a bit daunting to a dinosaur like me! (Who knew that a handbrake was button operated?) However it being larger means I can get even more saddles in…


I am now a Limited Company (!) but that won’t change the way I work at all. The only difference for my clients is the change of bank details; for me however it’s a head scratcher, but I guess I’ll get used to it…

So… I am fully stocked, back in business and ready to go! Please drop me a message or feel to give me a call to arrange your next saddle fitting appointment!

07941 512933

#societyofmastersaddlers #smsqualifiedsaddler #britishsaddlerycraftsmanship #saddlery #saddle #saddles #equestrian #horsetack